03.14.2024 Weekly Update


Sunday, March 17th   

8:00am Worship (Sanctuary)

9:00am Sunday School (Fellowship Hall)

9:00am WELCA Meeting (Quadrooms)

10:00am Worship (Sanctuary)

11:00am Love Fellowship (Sanctuary)

1:00pm Living Water (Sanctuary)

Monday, March 18th   

2:30pm Music Lessons (Music Room)

Tuesday, March 19th  

9:00am Pick Your Project (Quadrooms)

5:30pm Boot Camp (Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, March 20th  

10:00am Bible Study (Fireside Room)

2:00pm Wed. Afternoon Bible Study (Fireside Rm)

4:45pm Soup Dinner (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm Worship (Sanctuary)

6:30pm Choir (Music Room)

6:30pm Mentor Mentee (Fellowship Hall)

Thursday, March 21st 

10:00am Fidget Mats (Quadrooms)

5:30pm Boot Camp (Fellowship Hall)

6:00pm Living Water Bible Study (Fireside Rm)

Saturday, March 23rd 

7:00am Living Water Prayer Group (Fireside Rm)

10:00am Love Fellowship Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

3:00pm Living Water Retreat (Sanctuary)

5:00pm Living Water Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Sunday, March 24th 

8:00am Worship (Sanctuary)

9:00am Sunday School (Fellowship Hall)

10:00am Worship (Sanctuary)

11:00am Love Fellowship (Sanctuary)

1:00pm Living Water (Sanctuary)

Maundy Thursday – March 28th 

6:00pm Worship

Good Friday – March 29th 

12:15pm Worship

Easter Sunday – March 31st

7:00 – 9:00am Easter Breakfast

8:00am Worship

10:00am Worship


The St. Peter Council met on March 12, 2024.  Reports were shared and Missions gave updates.  Paul A. attended the meeting as a guest to present two fundraising ideas for the ELCA Youth/Young Adult Gathering in New Orleans in July.  A motion was made and passed to allow the group to move forward with the M&M fundraiser and a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser.  Details about those fundraisers will be shared with the congregation soon.  A motion was made and passed to sped up to $1500 to complete repairs in the kitchen.  A motion was made and passed by the executive team via email on March 7, 2024, to move forward with removing the dead tree located on the west side of the Cooper Ave. driveway.  Council Liaisons were matched up with teams.  Members of the council are: Pastor Kristin, Joy, Pat D., Dawn B., Nate, Connie, Jon W., Lisa, LeAnn, and Jamie S. 

Note: You will continue to receive regular council updates in this email.  These updates include the significant information from the most recent meeting.  You can find the “official” minutes of all council and team meeting minutes that we receive in the binder marked “Council Reports” that is kept below the bulletin board in the narthex.


February’s giving was better than we have ever seen by over $10,000 and double our usual income for that month.  Thank you for your generosity.  Our current checking account balance, as of March 10th, is over $11,000.


Please use the Geele Avenue entrance to access the parking lot, the Cooper Avenue driveway is closed.  We would like to discourage people from parking on the grass, be good neighbors, and minimize traffic flow (cars are speeding through and using our driveways as a through street).  We apologize to those who use this route and appreciate your understanding.  It will take some getting used to.  Thank you.


St. Peter Live

The 10am service is livestreamed to our Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/stpetersheboygan/) each Sunday morning.  Following worship, the service will be uploaded to YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkvPIB8agxVhS72C5822etA) and our website (https://stpetersheboygan.com).   The weekly bulletin can be accessed using the following link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q7aOwMbXAmTx7N0NScM7wVrSzyavLqzF/view?usp=sharing

Worship Assistants 

Please consider helping out by reading, ushering, serving communion, running tech or altar guild.  Please take a look at your availability through May and sign up using the link below or call Carrie to sign up.  We really need people to help out at 2nd service!  Thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508084aaaac2eaaf58-worship

Stay Healthy! 

It’s cold and flu season!  These cold temperatures force everyone indoors and the germs are out in full force.  This is just a reminder that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and enjoy worship online.   If you do come to church, please consider wearing a mask to protect yourself and others!  Masks are still available inside the main doors and at the fellowship hall entrance.


Sunday School

Join us for Sunday School each week from 9:00-9:45am!  Kids ages 3 years old through 5th grade are invited to join us for a time of bible stories, music, and activities. 


Confirmation students should attend Wednesday night worship during Lent, we will not have classes those evenings.  Wednesday evening classes will resume on April 3rd.

Bible Study 

Join us for Bible Study, led by Myra, on Wednesday mornings from 10:00am-11:00am in the Fireside Room.

Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study 

Join us for Bible Study led by Jim St. and Steve W., on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00pm in the Fireside Room. 


Easter Breakfast 

Easter Breakfastwill be served from 7:00am-9:00am on Sunday, March 31st in the Fellowship Hall.  We need your help with donations!  There is a signup poster in the narthex, please sign up to donate or volunteer and make this a wonderful event.  Thank you!

Lenten Soup Dinner

St. Peter is hosting a free soup dinner each Wednesday during Lent (through March 20th).  Soup will be served from 4:45pm – 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall, followed by worship in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm.

There is a donation signup sheet located near the office, please join in the fun by donating items or your time to set up before or clean up after.

If you have any questions, reach out to Pam W or Lisa S.

Gather Magazines 

There are Gather Magazines on the table by the Music Room.  Help yourself to one.

Fellowship Hour

Join us for Fellowship hour from 9 to 10am in Fireside Room.  Please sign up to make, serve and clean up coffee, and provide a dessert.


Mitten Tree

The mitten and hat tree is looking better!  Thank you.  These items are for the local grade schools for children in need.  Please help us with your donation.


Our mission for quilts for Lutheran World Relief requires:  Gently used sheets for quilt backs.  (Not silky type fabrics).  Flat sheets are preferred, but fitted sheets can be used as well.  Twin, Full, Queen, King, and any colors or prints.  Then join us for quilting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, in the Quadrooms.

We welcome anyone willing to cut quilt squares, layout squares to make tops, sewers to put tops together, or to tie quilts once sewn.  Sew!  (So) come join us!  We would love to have you.

P-Y-P Day (Pick your Project)

All are welcome!  What is it, you ask?  Come to the Quadrooms or Fellowship Hall for conversation, camaraderie, and a place to work on your project of choice.

You can use table space for laying projects out, sewing machines or the industrial sewing machine, putting LWR kits together, writing out birthday cards for WELCA, cutting quilt squares, bringing your own knitting, crocheting or embroidery projects.  Whatever you would like to work on.  We will meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.  Any questions, ask Kelly J.

Fidget Mats Plus

Thanks to all from St. Peter who so generously donate doodads and gizmos so we are able to gift to anyone who has a need for these items!  Please consider joining us every Thursday in the quad room @ 10am till noon.   It will be an enjoyable experience for you! 

Lutheran World Relief Health Care Kits

LWR Health Care Kits include:  1 smaller bath towel, 2 bars of white soap, 1 toothbrush, 1 large tooth comb, 1 pair nail clippers.   

If every household were to purchase supplies for one kit – think of the number of health kits we could send to Lutheran World Relief!!  All items can be purchased for approximately $10.00 (towel at Walmart and the other items at Dollar Tree.)

Items can be placed in baskets on shelves in the hallway to Fellowship Hall.

North Side Christian Food Pantry

Thank you, St Peter, for your partnership with NSCFP. Your food and financial donations help serve many people who are in need of food in Sheboygan. Any contribution is appreciated even though it may not be listed on the most needed items of the month.  When same items are listed in consecutive months it is because we need more than what has been received.

MARCH – Pasta Sauce/Pasta, Cereal/Breakfast Bars, Canned Vegetables/Fruit, Soup(Large Size), Rice-A-Roni, Jelly and Baked Beans.

Please bring donated items to St Peter and put them in the food cart located in the corner by the coat rack. The items will be brought over to NSCFP. Thank You.

Pat L


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

This lifeline provides care and support to people experiencing stressful situations.  It is free, confidential, and is available 24/7.  People of all ages who need help for themselves or a loved one can access the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by: calling 988, sending a text message to 988, or using the chat feature at 988lifeline.org.  People who contact 988 will be connected with a trained counselor who takes note of the person’s needs, understands how the person’s problem is affecting them, provides support, and, if needed, gets the person additional help.   


Please keep the following people in your prayers:  Louise, Jim, Karen, Kelly, those in war torn countries, Terry, Brian, Heath, Allison, Ruth, Judy, Tom, Anne Marie, Mark, Donna, Ginny, Kathy, Adam, Ed, Joan, Sharen, Trenton, Bret, Jazzy, Mya, Paul, Barb, & Apostles of Christ.


Announcements for the bulletin and weekly newsletter are due at noon each Wednesday.  Please submit information to Carrie, at email address stpeter@stpetersheboygan.com.  The staff will review and make final decisions based on clarity, space, content, timing, and needs of the community.